Species/Cultivar Selection
Use of Early Maturing and Stress-tolerant Varieties
Climate Adaptation Effectiveness
This practice is effective in compensating for damages caused by changes in climate by either shortening cropping periods or planting stress-tolerant varieties.
Climate Hazards
- Rain-Induced Flooding
- Rainfall Variability
- Tropical Cyclone
- , Region II (Cagayan Valley)
Adaptation Sectors
- Agriculture
CCET Instuments
- Action Delivery
Target Group based on Vulnerability
Basic Sectors:
- Children
- Farmers and Landless Rural Workers
- Indigenous Peoples
- Persons with Disabilities
- Senior Citizens
- Women
- Youth and Students
Economic / Financial Effectiveness
The use of early maturing and stress-tolerant varieties results in an increase in crop yield that lowers production costs as well. This generates a higher income for the household.
Technical Feasibility
Shifting to the use of new varieties requires technical knowledge and equipment. LGUs can be tapped to collaborate with agencies that could provide the seedlings and conduct training on crop management.
Social Acceptability
This practice has a <30% adoption rate in Cagayan Valley and <30% adoption rate in the SOCCSKSARGEN.
Environmental Impact
Implementation of this practice maintains soil productivity all year round and could increase soil fertility.
Other Information
The CRA was tested against eight climate smartness dimensions: yield (productivity); income, water, soil, risks (adaptation); energy, carbon and nitrogen (mitigation). The overall climate smartness in Cagayan Valley is 3.0 and 3.7 in Soccskargen
Mitigation co-benefit
This practice lowers the contribution of the agriculture sector to greenhouse gas emissions by reducing the external input in crop management.
early maturing variety, stress tolerant variety, efficient nutrient use, effiicient water use, resilient crop,